Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Case Study No. 0608: "Librarians, Lasers, and Librarians with Lasers"

Librarians, Lasers, and Librarians with Lasers..
LastZigGone's entry to Murray State University's 2011 library video contest.. The theme was comic books/superheroes. Unsure of which way to go, I went halfway in both directions. Tried quite a few things in AfterEffects that I literally had zero preparation for. I wrote in eye lasers without the slightest idea of how I was going to do it. What I originally believed was going to be maybe 4 hours of editing ballooned into between 15 and 20 hours. Actually quite glad it ended up that way because I needed to be submerged in AE.
Tags: LibrarianswithLasers
Added: 1 year ago
From: MA16v3
Views: 101

[the first panel shows a young male student walking out of one of the dorms]
[the second panel shows the student walking outside]
STUDENT: Ugh, gotta get this presentation done!
[the third panel shows him walking into the Waterfield Library]
STUDENT: My only chance is to go to the library ...
[the fourth panel shows an interior shot of the library]
[the fifth panel shows a closeup of the information desk]
[the sixth panel shows the student biting his fingernails]
STUDENT: And ... I have no idea where to start!
[the seventh panel shows the student walking up to a table]
[the eight panel shows the student with a wild-eyed look on his face, licking his lips]
STUDENT: Mmm, what might this be?
[the ninth panel shows the student picking up a little white box and opening it, as a bright light shoots out of it]
[the tenth panel shows the student shielding his eyes from the light]
STUDENT: Oh! What is this?!
[the eleventh panel shows a young female librarian standing in front of the student]
[the twelfth panel shows the librarian smiling and stretching her arms]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: Man, I've been cooped up in there for awhile now!
[the thirteenth panel shows the student with a surprised look on his face]
STUDENT: You're ... welcome, I think?
[the fourteenth panel shows the student looking at the librarian with his arms crossed]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: Well, I guess that means I owe ya! How 'bout a tour of the library?
[the fifteenth panel shows the student shrugging his shoulders]
STUDENT: I did just get a presentation assigned ...
[the sixteenth panel shows a closeup of the librarian]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: Well now, let's cut it to the chase! Downstairs are the book stacks, I'll meet'cha there!
[the seventeenth panel shows the student walking down the stairs]
[the eighteenth panel shows another shot of the student walking down the stairs]
[the nineteenth panel shows the student browsing the shelves]
STUDENT: Ugh, I don't see it here ...
[the twentieth panel shows a young Asian woman staring at him and wagging her finger]
NINJA: Zat's because the book isn't here ... Sorry!
[the twenty first panel shows the student staring back at her]
STUDENT: Are you sure? There are a lot of books to look through.
[the twenty second panel shows the woman walking up to him and patting him on the shoulder]
NINJA: Even if you do look, there are so many ... Too bad!
[the twenty third panel shows a closeup of the librarian punching her hand]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: That's not true!
[the twenty fourth panel shows the woman looking off panel in shock]
NINJA: What? Where did you come from? Who let you out?
[the twenty fifth panel shows the librarian staring at the woman]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: Stop spreadin' your lies!
[the twenty sixth panel shows the woman disappear in a puff of smoke]
[the twenty seventh panel shows the librarian looking at the student]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: She's nuthin' but trouble!
[the twenty eighth panel shows the student with a confused look on his face]
STUDENT: You say the book if here? How can I find it?
[the twenty ninth panel shows the librarian giving him her hand]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: There's a quick way to find the books we need, it's called RacerTrac! I'll show ya!
[the thirtieth panel shows them walking out of the stacks]
[the thirty first panel shows the student and librarian on a computer]
NARRATOR: RacerTrac is the cataloging system used at Murray State University.
[the thirty second panel shows another angle of the student and librarian on the computer]
NARRATOR: The system is set up so you can search for books by category of author, year published, or other criteria to make searching for the books you're looking for much easier.
[the thirty third panel shows another angle of the student and librarian on the computer]
[the thirty fourth panel shows the student holding a book]
STUDENT: That was easy! So what next?
[the thirty fifth panel shows the librarian pointing off panel]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: Well, you have to write it, of course! We have another place for that.
[the thirty sixth panel shows the student trying to walk upstairs, when the ninja appears before him]
NINJA: You can use the computers upstairs to check your Facebook!
[the thirty seventh panel shows the student mulling over her suggestion]
STUDENT: Well, that would make sense ... I would have to type this!
[the thirty eighth panel shows the librarian appearing in front of them]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: Hey, we're here to get help, not check Facebook!
[the thirty ninth panel shows the ninja putting a finger to her lips]
NINJA: Oh quiet!
[the fortieth panel shows the librarian shooting lasers out of her eyes]
[the forty first panel shows disappearing in a puff of black smoke]
[the forty second panel shows the student with a shocked look on his face]
STUDENT: Eye ... lasers?
[the forty third panel shows the librarian putting her glasses back on]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: Now we're going to the Writing Center to get you help with this!
[the forty fourth panel shows the student entering the Writing Center]
NARRATOR: In the back of the library is the Racer Writing Center.
[the forty fifth panel shows the student talking to a male librarian]
NARRATOR: The Writing Center is equipped to help with any kind of paper you might be writing.
[the forty sixth panel shows another angle of the student and the male librairian]
NARRATOR: Just call ahead of time, make an appointment, and one of the trained staff will help you.
[the forty seventh panel shows the student taking his paper out of the printer]
[the forty eighth panel shows the student talking to the librarian]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: Yeah, great paper! But you need to present it, right?
[the forty ninth panel shows the student slapping his forehead]
STUDENT: I forgot! Tell me we can do something about that here!
[the fiftieth panel shows a closeup of the librarian]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: Oh yeah, Speech Center's upstairs! It's new this semester ...
[the fifty first panel shows the student and librarian walking towards the reference section]
[the fifty second panel shows them reacting in surprise to something off panel]
[the fifty third panel shows the ninja in front of a locked door with her arms crossed]
NINJA: Aw, too bad!
[the fifty fourth panel shows the student and librarian]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: What trickery is this?
[the fifty fifth panel shows the ninja wagging her finger]
NINJA: Not a trick. The Speech Center won't be open until October 4th ...
[the fifty sixth panel shows the student with his arms crossed and a smug look on his face]
STUDENT: My presentation isn't due until late October ... Heh heh!
[the fifty seventh panel shows a closeup of the ninja]
NINJA: We will see about that!
[the fifty eighth panel shows a closeup of the librarian]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: This ends now!
[the fifty ninth panel shows the librarian punching the ninja]
[the sixtieth panel shows the ninja kicking the librarian]
[the sixty first panel shows the librarian taking off her glasses and shooting lasers out of her eyes]
[the sixty second panel shows the ninja blocking the laser with her hand]
[the sixty third panel shows them both shooting eye lasers at each other]
[the sixty fourth panel shows a closeup of the ninja, before the lasers explode in her face and she shatters into a million pieces]
[the sixty fifth panel shows a closeup of the librarian smiling]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: The library should be free of her shenanigans now!
[the sixty sixth panel shows a closeup of the student smiling and pumping his fist]
STUDENT: And my paper is done! I just need to come back in October and see the Speech Center about my presentation!
[the sixty seventh panel shows another shot of the librarian]
SUPER LIBRARIAN: And another one bites the dust!

Marshall Shank - Wandering Student
Bethany Walker - Super Librarian
Zhang Jin Ru (Jessica) - Dastardly Kick Ninja
Chris Booker - Dude in the Racer Writing Center Scene and the dude explaining stuff

Director/Editor - Chris Booker

Jessica would like to state that she would not actually ever try to distract people.

No idea where that country accent came from. Yes, Brad Pitt probably wants it back.

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